If the poet was right that too long a sacrifice makes a stone of the heart, then it's a good thing we've got you to carefully scrub away the sediment and continually restore its shine, even if it's just briefly here in the 314 before danger looms on the horizon again.

This essay, like all of your work, feels like a little miracle, an improbably rich gift in the midst of Hell. Thank you again, Sarah.

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Thank you Brian!

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Another piece of writing that catches my breath. Thank you Sarah. Also your crystals and cutting board are fabulous. Trying to parse the apocalypse is dizzying work, your observations as always help me read the tea leaves here in Australia. Kind thoughts for you and your loved ones. Keep safe

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Thank you!

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Beautiful rocks, sharp writing, scary truths. Thank you.

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Thank you!

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Thanks for the hyperlinks Sarah! Love that you do that. I am a Philadelphia prepper, since living in Brooklyn during 9/11, at which time I became a prepper. Quintessential Gen X-er who was built for the (oncoming) apocalypse(s) and have felt it coming since I was a young kid. Back then I became aware of people in positions of power acting in suspicious ways - and they did not like being questioned. Currently the world definitely feels *very* pre-9/11. A lot is not right and people in positions of power are saying some downright super-sized weird shit. I'm just doing the day and especially loving on my home, family and neighborhood. And, my self-care, which has me calm during storms. Highly recommend upping treating yourselves kindly and deep breaths. Much love and peace to you all!

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It really does feel pre-9/11, like they’re preparing us for something. And 9/11 didn’t feel pre-9/11; we didn’t have the imagination to think that could really happen. In my mind, it was a recent “Lone Gunmen” episode, not a looming imminent reality. I lived in NYC during 9/11 too. Now we’re all older and wiser and I don’t like what I’m seeing; it’s more disconcerting than any time I can remember, like we’re heading toward a culmination decades in the making. I felt a similar dread in 2016 but I at least knew why. I’m not 100% sure what’s coming now, I just have a very bad feeling, and anything is possible, especially after the last six horrific months.

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That's right - you were in NYC then too. The week prior to 9/11 always stood out to me, and the days before in particular - it was incredibly beautiful outside and people seemed happy and I, personally, was making big decisions. My boyfriend at the time suspected something weird was about to happen in the country - he read the NYC papers everyday and he was also very intuitive. Today is another beautiful day. My husband and I are getting on the Mega bus for a day trip to NYC to a friends art studio in Brooklyn and then going to see the Trouser Press anniversary show in the Bowery. I want to be in NYC on my terms on a beautiful day loving the diversity and culture before whatever is about to happen.

If it might be helpful for those feeling anxious or depressed.... I went to a talk last night that offered 2 ways to look at the big picture. This talk was NOT on politics, but from my perspective, my existence has been politicized, so everything is big picture and politics in a way. The speaker spoke about 2 options on how to see things- First, the "control" option - which, in my mind, I see as materialistic, greedy, dollars, capitalistic culture - the "havers" who are never satisfied (or happy), also how we control our environment - for example, I clean my house, study culture, eat good food and exercise (so there is positive/negative to "control"). Second is "faith". Faith is the non-material stuff - walks in nature, believing in something bigger, staring at your kids and watching them grow, appreciation for good food today, community, our interconnected-ness, trust, hope, feeling/ whatever your God/higher power is (or isn't), being really present/ embodied/ surrendering to what "is" in this very moment. There is a positive/negative here too, for example a negative would be spiritual bypassing, which a ton of people do (Christian nationalism and zionism are also shadow sides of faith).

I believe white settlor colonialism and capitalistic culture has run their "control" into the ground - it is NOT working anymore and many of us SEE this (and the harm it's caused) and are no longer buying into the construct. It's made up, it's unnatural and it's violent. Think of a covid test. There is the C-"control" line and the T "test" line. If the Control line didn't work, the test didn't work. The chemical components needed to perform the test were null. It didn't work. That's where the world is. Rotten systems need to be gutted. The test didn't work. The systems are broken. No more "drinking from the firehose". The systems need to be rebuilt and future systems will only survive (in a healthy way) if they are universal and take every BODY, sentient beings and nature into how they are formed. (People are doing this...... It's out there....). So..... We might inhabit option 2- Faith, a bit more. (Maybe there is another word?) Surrender/trust/ build new systems/ create/ co-create/ believe. It's like the yin-yang... The yang side has sucked up all the oxygen and energy and taken us to the dark side and we are dying to get some more light/levity/hope/love/breath.... I am hopeful today. For today, I have enough, love my family and will eat good food and I will go to my old stomping grounds in NYC. And I know I'd rather live a few truthful honest authentic years than decades of being a hateful greedy mother fucker.

And, when some major shit goes down, I am here with eyes wide open... And from ashes, embers survive and we make it better. Leonard Cohen said it so well, "Ring the bells that still can ring - Forget your perfect offering - There is a crack, a crack in everything - That's how the light gets in"....

Now I must paste the full lyrics to Anthem, b/c the whole context is very important, as is culture and art.... And Sarah's writing.... <3 <3 <3

The birds they sang

At the break of day

Start again

I heard them say

Don't dwell on what has passed away

Or what is yet to be

Ah, the wars they will be fought again

The holy dove, she will be caught again

Bought and sold, and bought again

The dove is never free

Ring the bells that still can ring

Forget your perfect offering

There is a crack, a crack in everything

That's how the light gets in

We asked for signs

The signs were sent

The birth betrayed

The marriage spent

Yeah, and the widowhood

Of every government

Signs for all to see

I can't run no more

With that lawless crowd

While the killers in high places

Say their prayers out loud

But they've summoned, they've summoned up

A thundercloud

They're going to hear from me

Ring the bells that still can ring

Forget your perfect offering

There is a crack, a crack in everything

That's how the light gets in

You can add up the parts

But you won't have the sum

You can strike up the march

There is no drum

Every heart, every heart

To love will come

But like a refugee

Ring the bells that still can ring

Forget your perfect offering

There is a crack, a crack in everything

That's how the light gets in

Ring the bells that still can ring

Forget your perfect offering

There is a crack, a crack in everything

That's how the light gets in

That's how the light gets in

That's how the light gets in

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I’m also getting pre-2008 election vibes. Just a hunch, I don’t follow market stuff. Real estate and housing seems very hinky right now. In my neighborhood the old mid-century bungalows fall like dominos to be replaced by 1.5 million dollar McMansions that no one is buying anymore. And yet they keep building them. Naturally, my mind goes to money laundering.

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"I believe white settlor colonialism and capitalistic culture has run their "control" into the ground - it is NOT working anymore and many of us SEE this (and the harm it's caused) and are no longer buying into the construct. It's made up, it's unnatural and it's violent. "

Further, the global south is on the verge of a massive rebellion, Western powers, esp the US, understand this, and are going to stage a desperate, all out, no holds barred fight to hang onto power. What form all this will take, how it will play out, is beyond our imagination at this time. This is my feeling about things... Very scary times...

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My guess is that the extremist right agrees with you but focuses more on democracy as the problem. Without democracy to at least have some ability to hold them accountable (less and less every election season) unfettered capitalism coupled with unfettered corruption and crime will increase their power and wealth.

Unfortunately, I think their well-considered answer to how to deal with the global south's reaction is that the climate crisis will do that work for them. First, the deaths, and second, when people have to worry about eating and surviving, they don't tend to have the time to engage in rebellions.

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My kind of truthhumor combo.

Funny yet dark yet wtf is wrong with this world.

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Thank you! It all came pouring out, so to speak (I'll stop now!)

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Haha don't stop. The thing I most admire , and envy about you is, is that you are a messenger. And by that, I mean the type of messenger who is the most valuable (priceless) to humanity.

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You're a gem, Sarah. Savor what's good, the treasure of a sunset, a tree, a child. Even as we circle the drain.

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Your writing has, if possible, become more urgent and poignant lately. It is impossible not to see the beauty along with the horror in it, as you do with the minatory signs in the sky.

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Thank you!

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Thank you Sarah you express the thoughts of many so well. A musical soundtrack for these time might be “ La Valse” by Ravel. He wrote it just before WWI. It gives you a sensation of the world tilting out of control, which it seems to be doing.

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I agree and now I'm going to listen!

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Thank you for sharing the photos of your earthly treasure. When you write about your rocks, and washing, I have pictured the neighbor in Shrinking who buffs rocks as meditation. This, “normal person,” is different and just exquisite! I just cannot WAIT to read your next book!— and I know it’s expensive, but might there be photos? Like the textbooks of our childhoods, but with truthfulness?🎉

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I would love it if there’s photos in the book but I’m not sure — it costs a lot and book publishing is in a budget crisis. If there aren’t I’m going to post some of them on here anyway!

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of course your writing of the wicked that this way comes is freaking me out, so I’m focused on the gorgeous mineral and cutting board and embroidery in the background …

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Thank you — I made the embroidery too!

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Sometimes it's just comforting to know that there is someone else out there seeing these things, and that I'm maybe not as crazy as some tell me I am. Twitter was too effective during the BLM protests, so it had to go. And TikTok has been a magnifying glass on Gaza, so it must go, too, and so many people refuse to see it. Illegitimi non carborundum, and from one rock lady to another, I salute you!

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As a former Midwesterner, (E Central Iowa) I know the color and smell of tornados. Your writing is refreshing, vivid and I appreciate your topics, skill and crafting.

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Thank you!

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I love how you write, inter weaving the beauty and preciousness of rocks with the horrors. The attempts to shut down Tik Tok and other channels which are showing the truth of the genocide , shows how worried they must be. They cannot control the narrative and are therefore becoming desperate. The more we talk and share the truth, the weaker their position becomes . Thanks to you and all warriors of the heart 💗

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One of the beauties of your writing is that I still have to look up the meaning of words. The only other time I have to do that these days is when I'm reading classic (likely banned somewhere) novels. Thanks for that Sarah.

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All so beautiful, the rocks, the sky and your wonderful words.

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Beautifully written Ms. Kendzior. In reading this piece today I came to notice my attention shift and expand from a simple, sincere focus of the content of what was being said. My eyes began to slow down and to register how artfully , lyrically , and beautifully the content was being written . In my experience this both precious and rare. Apt words perhaps for both your pretty rocks and for you.

May you and your continue to be well. One love

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Thank you very much!

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Lovely writing, and photos too. Thanks

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