Oct 18Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Sarah, I’ll have to reread a few times because there’s so much to digest! I like you because you can state what you believe and give your rationale for believing it! Too many do the first part but fail on part two! Again, your writing stimulates readers to actually think, not just unconditionally accept! Critical thinking has been omitted from our society much too much! Thank you for being Sarah!

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Thanks for reading/listening!

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18 hrs agoLiked by Sarah Kendzior

You’re a big part of my regular routine, Sarah! As a 79 year old citizen, I’ve seen lots of water go under the bridge. I appreciate your perspective on the quality of that water!

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Oct 18Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Your final statement is perfect~~~what my family and I cling to! And if your road trips have not yet included Chaco Canyon in my humble opinion it is the number 1 historical site in the US. There is a wonderful documentary narrated by Robert Redford. https://solsticeproject.org/the-mystery-of-chaco-canyon/. I had the same goosebumps and awe walking into Chaco that I felt when I first stood in the Roman Forum❣️As I write this my 10 year old grand daughter is writing get out the vote letters😍 Never give up!

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I’ve been sooo close to Chaco but still haven’t gone. It was closed the last few times I tried (covid, weather, etc), but things in that region have largely reopened so I’m hoping it’s next. I want to see it SO bad!

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17 hrs agoLiked by Sarah Kendzior

As if anyone needs another reason to love Sarah Kendzior. I was nodding in agreement so much much during this interview that I felt like a damn bobblehead! Kendzior rules!

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I found myself thinking and doing the same kinds of reflections Sarah mentions in her piece. Mark me 'Bobblehead #2'.

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Oct 18Liked by Sarah Kendzior

I was at the Canyon 40 yrs ago. What I remember, is peace. Just peace.

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Oct 18Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Bucket list for next time I'm in NM, along with the Trinity site and Los Alamos.

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I’ve been to Trinity and Los Alamos — I wrote about both of them in my upcoming book!

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Oct 18Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Way to get me to buy it!

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“The reason that people who vote for Trump think he’s innocent or don’t take it seriously is because the DOJ has refused to prosecute sedition.”

Goddam exactly. And damn Garland.

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I say this to 2 friends of mine, over and over, and that if Biden wasn't ok with it, he could fire Garland. One of them was a staunch activist in the 60's-70's, has done a lot of really impactful work. And they give me the "we shouldnt sink to their level" kinds of replies -- that Biden shouldnt violate the Constitution just because the Court essentially says he can. And Biden can't control Congress or the judges, etc., and the Justice Dept is supposed to be independent. Ok, so then we're just giving up -- right? I mean, that's the only consequence of "following all the rules."

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Oct 18Liked by Sarah Kendzior

I’ve been dreading this election for longer than I can recall. I’m 65, so whatever necessary evolution needs to happen can’t possibly occur in my lifetime. At least, thanks to this kind of insightful truth-telling, I know what to be aware of.

It gives me the strength to power through.

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I’m dreading it too but glad this helps! We’re all in it together…

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I'm near your age and I, too, don't believe it can happen in my lifetime, especially as technology makes us more and more distanced from each other, less humane, less compassionate. But I dont feel any strength or strategy, to power through. If you have one- please share it with me. Thanks. :)

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Oct 18Liked by Sarah Kendzior

I hope that my question that came across as "Have you always been like this?!" didn't hurt your feelings, and if it did, I am really sorry. What I actually want to express is that I am in awe of what seems to me to be the faith you have in yourself. It's not just that you've always "been like this" but have you always had a confidence in yourself, belief in yourself? I'm not sure how to put it. But what I know is that my diary entries were full of self-hatred, and self-doubt, and I've had to do a lot of work over the years to not only understand who I am, but to feel any sort of trust and faith in who I am, and what sort of person I am. I've learned about a lot of things from you, all the things that you're an expert in, and that knowledge is invaluable. Your words have also been a part of my learning to trust myself, and shown me how important it is to know who we are and be who we are because that is part of fighting authoritarianism and injustice.

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Oct 18·edited Oct 18Author

You didn’t hurt my feelings — please don’t worry! I liked your question. It was more that it’s funny to look back on myself as a kid and see the continuity decades later. Everyone thought I was irritating as a kid because I was so curious and opinionated, and honestly it’s nice to be able to revisit that time without it bothering me like it did when I was little. I hope you feel good about who you are, Amy, because you sound like a thoughtful person who has been through a lot (and I understand having childhood diary entries of dark thoughts…l only shared the funny ones.) You didn’t offend me at all so please don’t worry! It’s more that I can’t comprehend being any other way than I am, the thought that it’s optional or that I could change is revelatory, but alas I am stuck with myself! Anyway I appreciate your questions and comments ❤️

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Oct 18Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Isn't that the truth! If motherhood has taught me anything it's that we come out exactly who we are! I'm relieved to hear I didn't offend you, and I won't worry. Thanks, Sarah🩷

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This will not leave me. It has been reverberating since she said it: "Having Harris talk about how proud she is to create the world’s most lethal military. Not the best, not the smartest, not the bravest — just lethal, just a killing machine." How can I have to vote for this person, and of course I do?

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It’s a very frightening phrase and she’s used it several times, which suggests she’s been given it as a talking point. Someone interviewing her should ask her about it.

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Oct 18Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Yup, I heard her use it again today- or maybe it was a replay. She's definitely married to that word.

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I think she uses it as both a warning to our adversaries and an advertisement that she is tough in a way that would allow more men to feel okay voting for her. Unlike Trump she's not threatening to use that lethal military against her fellow Americans.

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Excellent as usual Sarah. I particularly like your analysis/theory about (Harris vs. Trump) and the inevitable war with Iran. I would love to see you write more on that subject. Thank you again for the insane sanity.

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Thanks for reading!

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16 hrs agoLiked by Sarah Kendzior

There's a beautiful mind at work here. Truthful and consistent thoughts. You never betray your own reasoning. A Mr. Spock level of logical thinking and a memory like an elephant.

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18 hrs agoLiked by Sarah Kendzior

Reading HiPS right now, and it’s a gut punch. I grew up in KC and my mom sent me packing to my sisters in New England in 2005. For healthcare and the basic right to life.

While some of your frankness is hard to digest as an uncomfortable or infuriating truth, it’s also a life-raft of sanity. Like, yes, this is reality and the media and Congress are complicit.

I quit Twitter in May, because I didn’t know if I was arguing with bots, or actual thoughtless people, who could not bother to read court documents or process that Trump even admitted to the NDA, outside the courtroom.

But also, videos from Palestine were so vivid, that I could feel nothing but shame at my first world problems, or totally hopeless, that saying anything about Israel would be crowd-mobbed.

And now, on YouTube, when trying to stick with only CSPAN or select new sources, the comments feel like I am witnessing bots or groupthink hater-aid, for the Kamala Kult. My state will vote for her, I will not. The “lower candidates” are what matter most. We cannot seem to unseat our Rep, who loves that Raytheon, General Dynamics and Oil money.

You’re brave, Sarah. May the Universe of Rational Thought and Basic Human Decency surround you and your family. I miss my mother immensely and I understand her so much more now, and wonder what my “I saw Bobby Kennedy shot on live television” moment will be. I have no fuckin clue, what to expect in the next few months.

I just know it’s a good idea to get out of this military target town and that I prolly shouldn’t speak that aloud to the neighbors and friends I am leaving behind.

But the foliage is fuckin gorgeous right now. *dark laughter*

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21 hrs agoLiked by Sarah Kendzior

Dear Sarah, if 2016 was the Putin backed election, isn't 2024 the Netanyahu backed election ? If Harris loses the election (and by lose election, I mean a handful of swing states), isn't Biden/Harris just history repeating itself as in Johnson/Humphrey ? And then who is the step in for history as the Kissinger baby killing in Cambodia ? The college students last Spring who were told to shut the <explicit> up. The DNC who shut out the Palestinian voice... the only words I remember from the DNC were "most lethal". Regardless of what supposed good Biden did during his term, I can't get the image out of my head of the handshake... blood literally on his hands. And where has Kushner been sleeping lately ? In the spare bedroom next to Bibi ? I mean, I learned of shared bedroom arrangements from you. Do I have to throw-up in my mouth when I cast my vote for Harris... humble roots, save the middle class... oh wait, we have to write a check for baby murder again... sorry middle-America, get in back in the bread line, those empty promises have to wait. I am so naïve, of course Harris couldn't come out and say I will end the support of genocide in Gaza on my "day-1 in office"! Sure sounds a bit better than I will be a dictator "only on day-1". This latest genocide is the election linchpin... or is that lynchpin ? I can never get that straight. What's that I hear at the rally ? A Flock of Seagulls ? "And I-ran, I-ran so far away, I just I-ran, I couldn't get away" November 2024, that time in history where we had the chance to turn our backs on the mass murder of innocent children, instead we get another exploded battery in a Tesla "burning down the house" all because of the Talking Heads (mass media) losing their souls to the mafia state. I'll stop now, thank you for your honesty and clarity. I just woke up in the middle of night thinking "It's the Bibi, stupid!" and I had to rant.

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Yes, this is very much Netanyahu’s election, only it’s not being framed that way because both the Dems and GOP are in thrall to him. It is very interesting to me that Kushner remains a profound national security threat yet is almost never brought up by the media or politicians. The Dems could run a whole campaign about the dangers of Kushner re-entering the White House after a Trump win — but they never do, because Kushner works for Netanyahu, and so do the top Dems. I’m not sure what drives it — it’s a mix of bribery, blackmail, nuke threats, and religious fanaticism — but it’s costing our country its sovereignty and endangering us all. That’s why I’m extremely discouraged because whoever wins will continue Middle East wars and genocide; there’s no difference here between the two parties and officials behave as if they are either compromised or terrified.

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The newfound joy of dumping a senile failure was short-lived with this one statement.. “You know what ? If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that, otherwise I’m speaking”. Yea, well why should I care about social security and Medicare cuts, the climate crisis and the cutting of the affordable care act when the genocide of any innocent child anyway in the world is <censored> normalized ! Oh Kamala, do you remember the day your humble roots and soul were cut out by the corporate state where endless war is the mission statement and profit gains the goal ? I too fear the non-genocide voters (imagine that) in the swing states decide this pale horse race. Don’t give me that do-do good BS, when we have appeared to cross the red line (literally) that genocide is not on the table in this election. I mean, witnessing that coups are no longer punishable in this country, you could stage a coup of your own as an October surprise and state you will end the genocide in Gaza on Day 1, I mean what could the corporate backers do…. Oh <censored>, never mind. Trump wins even when he’s losing, the Blue fog of defeating an unpunished seditionist and traitor clouds what should be marching in the streets demanding an end to our country openly funding a genocide. And you want me to send you $10 to help you win, really ? This latest genocide just feels like just a watershed moment in human history, where souls are finally being eaten up by the machine. Talk about going back to kill baby Hitler, how about going back and killing the microchip. Peace and out.

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Oct 18Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Everything up to Nov 5 is just getting to the starting line. Then the work begins. Thank you for this Sarah. Not a word I can argue with.

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Oct 18Liked by Sarah Kendzior

My Dad, a contemporary and accomplice of the Civil Rights leaders of the 60s, 70s, and 80s told me, 'Julian Bond sounds tired, but John Lewis *is* tired.'

When key institutionalist's (and the peiple who prop them up) aspirations are the preservation of the institution, as it relates to their careers and their egos, what gets lost is the ideal.

And the effort to resist.

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Yes absolutely

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Oct 18Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Someone wrote, and I wish I could find the source, said:

"When an organization has to choose between its mission and its survival, it will choose survival every time."

There are way too many examples.

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Oct 18Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Thank you!

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11 hrs agoLiked by Sarah Kendzior

There were so many moments where I was nodding along or shouting “hell yes”! I also live in Cori’s district and I think that was the final blow for me in terms of this election and feeling any semblance of “hope” in our government. But your thoughts on faith resonates. As always, thanks for your work!

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Thanks for reading! And yes I think those of us who live in Cori’s district have unique insight into this crisis. It’s one thing to see it prophesized as a worst case scenario, it’s another to live through it and have no one care. Our sovereignty is gone. We have a rep owned by a foreign country, which is a different problem than having a rep you simply do not like.

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14 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs agoLiked by Sarah Kendzior

Wow - that excerpt from "The Red, White, and Blue Screen of Death" so sadly and accurately describes the last 15+ years so well. I was a software developer working on an internet startup in 1996 that had a mission to serve people and make the internet great. So awful to see where it all went. And yes, one of the biggest culprits is in fact the cell phone. Zuckerberg wanted to create the metaverse where we all live in a virtual digital world - people don't realize it but they are already there. They pay attention to their digital lives more than their real lives. They are zombies looking down into the screen. Their minds are already in the metaverse which is controlled by big tech and thus so are we.

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19 hrs agoLiked by Sarah Kendzior

Thanks for this dense and rich summary of US politics, your musical references make me want to reread John Fante and Jim Harrison… while listening to the Everly brothers :)

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I love Jim Harrison — he’s mentioned in THE LAST AMERICAN ROAD TRIP too!

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