UPDATE 9/30: Whoa, there are a lot of questions! Thank you so much for your interest. I had no idea what to expect and due to the volume, I am closing comments for the moment so I can respond to the questions already submitted. If you missed your chance, don’t worry — if all goes well, I’ll do this again! Now I’m going to get to work. Expect a separate article with my written responses soon. Thanks again!
As this newsletter turns one year old, I want to reiterate my gratitude for my subscribers. There are now over 25,000 of you in every US state and 115 countries! Thank you for making this possible. It’s been a pleasure to get to know you, and my only regret is not starting this newsletter sooner.
I have kept my newsletter free, and it will stay free. Voluntary paying subscribers keep it going, making it possible for me to continue writing and for readers who cannot afford to subscribe to read everything.
I do not believe in paywalls in times of peril. I want my writing accessible to all. This will not change! My articles will continue to be free.
But as a thank you to my paying subscribers — and as an incentive for new folks to join — I am introducing a Q & A column in addition to my regular articles.
Here's how it will work:
1) To ask a question, join as a paying subscriber, and post your question in the comments section below.
2) I will answer as many questions as I can in a separate article. I don’t know how many questions I will get, so this is a work in progress. I may bundle some up and focus on common themes.
3) The new article and its comments section will be open to everyone. In other words, you need to be a paying subscriber to submit a question, but not to read the Q & A or participate in the subsequent discussion.
4) Some might say refusing to paywall goes against my financial interests. They would be correct! But it is the interest of civic inquiry to keep things open. I don’t like folks feeling left out. However, I also am extremely grateful to the paying subscribers who have sustained this project, so I am offering this bonus Q & A as a thank you!
I’m calling this section “Just Answering Questions” because there are a number of topics that, if I were to broach them out of the blue, would be like throwing a bomb into your inbox. If you’ve read my books, you know they cover a lot of disturbing ground. This way, you take the lead in choosing the topic, and hey man, I’m just answering questions!
I’ve been meaning to launch this column for a while. My favorite thing about going on book tour is taking questions from the audience. I’d like to rekindle that magic here.
There are also subjects that I’d like to discuss myself, but that I don’t think merit a full-length article. (Like my short response on Project 2025.) I also don’t enjoy writing pieces closely wedded to the news cycle; I like my essays to stand the test of time.
But it is natural for readers to have inquiries about current events — or whatever is on your mind! — and I’d like the opportunity to respond. As the election looms, this is a good time for all of us to share our thoughts and have a good-faith discussion together.
If you are already a paid subscriber, you are all set — you can send in a question in the comments section below!
If you’re not a paying subscriber, this is an excellent reason to become one. Your support will help sustain this newsletter in general. I will still be publishing my regular articles; the only reason there was not a new one this week is because I was busy proofreading galleys for my new book, The Last American Road Trip.
OK, let’s see how this goes. Ask away!
Thanks again,
The spirit of inquiry. Indiana Dunes, 2020.
Sarah, your newsletter seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?
Just kidding! Real question: who used the fake umlauts better, Blue Öyster Cult, Motörhead or Mötley Crüe?
I'm often concerned about your safety. Are you or your family and friends concerned, and do you take any measures to make sure you are safe?