Sep 27Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Sarah, your newsletter seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?

Just kidding! Real question: who used the fake umlauts better, Blue Öyster Cult, Motörhead or Mötley Crüe?

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BOC for me!!

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Of course!

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I'm often concerned about your safety. Are you or your family and friends concerned, and do you take any measures to make sure you are safe?

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You have alluded previously to your views about 9/11 and I am curious what they are. If you are ready to share.

Thank you so much for your amazing writing and clear eyed thinking.

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Thanks for taking questions! I can’t quite wrap my mind around the U.S. genociding and bombing Palestinians and Lebanon (and who knows what after). I understand the military industrial complex, greed, corruption, endless U.S. wars, money laundering, and the Second Coming. But I still can’t grasp how or why it is going this far with the murder of children and civilians. What is the end goal in your opinion?

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Dangerous Trump admin officials are still in key places in several departments and institutions. Thoughts on why? It's not like they were selected due to their vast subject matter expertise.

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Assuming Harris wins, will she go after Trump and his many crimes and his associates? Or, will she only " look forward" and let Jack Smith play out whatever case he will still have going. Garland I would hope will be relieved of duty. The whole affair just stinks to high heaven. The mayor of NYC has the same symptoms, corruption, bribery, foreign money influence.

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Sep 27Liked by Sarah Kendzior

I'ma sleep on this one...

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Take your time!

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I so appreciate your research and writing and would like to know what got you interested in the subject of kleptocracy.

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27

I've been reading an excellent, frightening and enlightening book called Six Degrees, by Mark Lynas. Picked it up in one of those free tiny libary things. It's from 2008, and already things he predicts ~ based on thorough research and sources ~ are coming true. I am not throwing in the towel...yet. But when I think of my 12-year-old grandson, I wonder not so much what his future will be, but will he have one at all. How can we fix the myopic, climate collapse-denying vision of our leaders? The media, too, report catastrophic weather without mention of what causes it. What will matter any more if we continue to destroy our planet?

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Hi Sarah! Big admirer of your work from Canada. Are you aware of any links between our Conservative Party and the Trump Republicans? They appear to be operating from the same playbook (hence Maple MAGA) Our largely American-hedge-fund owned media is making a concerted effort to drum Trudeau out of office and while giving Polievre a pass on everything. Any insights?

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Thank you Brian also a fan from Canada and would like to know as well

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Sorry Beverley!

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What would help you?

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Hi, Sarah...

I'm very concerned about the forces in play after the election, whichever way it goes.

Do you have any thoughts on the possible scenarios that seem to be "standing back and standing by"?

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Do you see St. Louis and its problems as a microcosm of the United States as a whole?

Is the constant negative coverage of St. Louis warranted, or is it more a reflection of lazy outsiders latching on to headlines and crime statistics?

What are your thoughts on toasted ravioli and Imo’s Pizza? Have you experienced the wonderful Afghani food in St. Louis?

Regarding the X Files, do you prefer the monster episodes or the mystery/conspiracy episodes?

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Much is made of you being the “Cassandra” (I disagree because you are believed by many of us but I get the analogy!). My question is how do you characterize and experience and cope with your ability to see things “ahead” of when many others see them?

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Sep 27·edited 17 hrs ago

I am fairly new to your newsletter, so I apologize if you have already touched on this subject. What do you have to say about the process of voters passing legislation amendments etc., and then the legislature deciding that voters did not understand what they were voting on and undo it thru the legislative process. I ask this as a Missouri voter, but I know this happens in other states. Also, why do voters keep reelecting the same state senators and representatives when this happens.

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I just want to read all your answers to all the questions other people submitted while I was stuck in traffic for several hours today unable to read my emails, lol! Also, please be safe. Your work AND your life are both precious to so many!!!

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