Jun 11Liked by Sarah Kendzior

And from North of Your border, we in Canada along with our politicians, are (in)just as complicit. When I was asked whose side I was on, I said I'm against the indiscriminate killing of people. Hamas supporters claim I'm anti Islam; Jewish people complain I'm an antisemite. Neither hear me when I try to tell them I'm pro-humanity.

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Beautiful. Yes, this.

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I enjoy your writing…every damn essay and book. You’re good, girl.

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Thanks Jess!

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You two keep my hope alive. 💖

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Jun 11Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Once again, the hair on the back of my neck is standing up. I thank you and I weep for my granddaughters.

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Thank you for reading!

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Jun 11Liked by Sarah Kendzior

I love your writing and I’m an Aftermath person too. In Australia in 2022 we voted in the Labour Party (cf Democrats). They were going to tackle climate breakdown, Covid, corruption and poverty. Instead more people are dying of covid and all the reporting and supports for the sick have been removed. There is a frenzy of allowing new fossil fuel projects while we ignore people and places destroyed by fires and floods. The anti corruption commission is secret and has decided not to investigate a government scheme that illegally issued debt repayments to people on benefits that resulted in thousands of suicides. Gas companies get most of their Australian gas for free while people live in tents and are hungry. The ALP (Labour Party) tells us they have no money and spend billions on nuclear submarines. They are also supporting the genocide we are live watching. I’m enraged and grief stricken and knowing others feel the same and won’t give up helps me a bit. Sending you all my thanks.

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Thanks for reading and sorry to hear it! The Afterpath People are global indeed

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Fabulous summary Fran.. I’m another Australian that can’t believe the duplicity of the ALP in the worst of policies. And the silence on genocide. Most days I feel nauseous at the thought of it all. As Sarah commented, the Aftermath People are global … May we be a force to be reckoned with. All my best to you and of course thank you Sarah for another blisteringly fantastic piece.

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Not much different in Canada with the Liberals in power. Big issue we have is now the the Conservatives taking power federally looms ever closer to partner with many conservative provincial governments eroding public institutions. Still there are people starting letter writing efforts or call ins to try and change some of the more egregious decisions.

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Jun 11Liked by Sarah Kendzior

“When autocratic rule rises, you refuse. You do the right thing whether the powerful like it or not.”

This quote really resonated with me. Democracy really is from the people, no matter what people in power do or say. I’m going to keep that message close to my heart as we head into this election and beyond. Thank you!

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People will talk about the law concerning protests or strikes, but the real question is whether the law itself is moral. Slavery was legal. Segregation was legal. White supremacy is legal. And apparently sedition is legal if you’re a politician.

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Very true! So many double standards.

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Jun 11Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Damn, this is fucking brilliant (as usual).

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Thank you!

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Jun 11Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Thanks Sarah. You are always right on point for me. I have been trying to explain the criminality of Trump for over 50 years. He hasnt changed and the system has aided and abetted his criminality. Thank you!

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Jun 11Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Your ability to describe the state of things is so extraordinary and I know you have the option not to write. Just thank you. I hope you and your family are well. I have grandkids and it’s frightening to think of their future most days.

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Jun 11Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Mic drop. You're the fucking best!

"Aftermath People have to always think in terms of survival, and what powers the will to survive is moral clarity."

We can do this people!!!

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Jun 12Liked by Sarah Kendzior

This is epic!!!

"I’d rather Bartleby my way through life than waste words on that white whale."

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Jun 12Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Amen! "Creativity, compassion, resilience, refusal." And I appreciate the use of "Bartleby" as a verb, ha ha. Both of my adult children are struggling, each in a different way, with how to be and work in this FUBAR world we all now inhabit, and I can't seem to come up with any good advice for them. After reading this I think I will tell them to just keep owning and relishing their creativity, show as much compassion to others and themselves as possible, display resilience as best they can, and continue refusing to be co-opted by the systems that are tearing us all apart even as they set us all against each other. What else is there? Thank you, Sarah, as always, and be safe.

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Jun 11Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Guns N Roses... the perfect subhead to the Project 2025 report.... where guns are an obvious reference and roses are sent to the bereaved family members of victims of our democracy funeral. At least the Aftermath People will have an anthem to welcome in all the new members when the total grift of this country becomes clearly obvious... "Welcome To The Jungle". I love how great art always seems to adapt to future times... the Rolling Stones Aftermath album contains the song "Under My Thumb". But sadly for now... "It's More Fun To Stay At The Y.M.C.A." So happy... Numb-Them-All-To-Sheep... As always, every sentence of your articles carry the weight of sanity in these insane times.

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Thanks! There is a GnR song hidden in one of the links in this article…figured I’d give fans who recognized the lyric a treat…

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I did 'find out ta' where that link was... yes, the Aftermath People are innocent and will not be broken! If you want a break from scream in your pillow music (which of course provides a much needed cathartic release) , give John Moreland a listen on Bandcamp to calm the soul. Very reflective lyrics about serious issues, but like your work, there is a certain peace in knowing someone is actually telling the truth and not living behind a mask of betrayal to human dignity.

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Jun 12Liked by Sarah Kendzior

I don’t always agree with you Sarah but I am beginning to suspect it is probably a shortcoming or lack of information at my end. But I read your books, listen to your podcasts and read your articles and essays. You and Heather Cox Richardson are my preeminent barometers of America as it stands.

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I have never felt so seen and validated. I can't think of a single thing I would change. My kid is a girl and she's reading Octavia Butler instead and I don't have Cori Bush representing me sadly. The candidate that I wanted to send to DC would have worked well with her, but of course she lost the primary. I still get a Democrat but he's part of the fake opposition. The brazenness of the disdain the ruling classes towards our democracy and its citizens concerns is breathtaking.

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Jun 11Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Ahab: Hast seen the white whale?

Sarah: I would prefer not to.

Ahab: A little lower mark with thee.

Sarah: I would prefer not to.

Ahab: If man will strike, strike through the mask!

Sarah: Oh, I would definitely prefer not to.

Thank you again, Sarah, for making my day by making so many horrifying truths such an improbable joy to read.

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Haha — thanks!

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Jun 12Liked by Sarah Kendzior

We live in an Orwellian world, don’t we?

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