I watched the movie Halloween as a kid and was terrified. I slept with my head under the covers for months. Never watched another scary movie after that. I take them too literally. This all makes me want to put my head under the covers again for months but by some I'm made to feel that if I don't do everything I can to get out the vote it is my fault if Trump wins. I'm tired of being told its my fault if the Democrats don't win back the house and keep control of the Senate. They say by doing that we can make changes. Oh yeah we did gain control of the House and Senate in 2020 but what happened. I did my part and voted but did anything change? We are left with this sequel
Exactly. Whatever happens, it is NOT your fault. I am so sick of hearing that. I am so sick of people with little to no power being blamed for the crimes or inaction of the rich and powerful. My advice is just try to survive and be a good person -- be kind to strangers, be helpful when you can. There's not enough of that in daily life, and it means a lot to people, and it often doesn't take much to do. It's more important than an election. Our morality and the way we treat people will always be the most important thing.
Thank you Sarah. I value your take on what is going on in our world. I work in the service industry and try to come up with ways to make someone's experience extraordinary. I have created a few for fun Facebook groups where we don't talk politics but come together as people with common interests and learn that sometimes we want the same things, just maybe differently. Just trying to find common ground. I want to discover all the hidden gems that this country has to offer. I wanted to find a good map of my state and put push pins in the places that I have been to and want to go. My parents came home today with a book someone brought to the senior center to give away. They thought I would like it. It has great detailed maps of every state. I am loving that book about hidden gems in each state in this beautiful country that we live in!
You're so right. I'm so sick of the Democrat's blame the victims attitude and then fund raising off women losing control over our bodies. The ruling class doesn't care how many of us they kill as long as they're profiting off of it. All governments are authoritarian and they need to die. No one should ever hold power over anyone.
Your advice reminds me of my favorite climate doomer Eliot Jacobson, who says "Be kind, be generous, be of service." It's all we have left, really. It's the way to go through the dark days ahead with a soul-fortifying goal.
Dread. This is all we have for the next 8 months. It’s really hard not to feel shame as we watch our ‘Halloween’ unfold. The saga of American Life seemingly will never change.
I am finding my happinesses listening to as much live music as I can afford. I will hang on to that electrifying energy, and hope to bring a positive force to the people I meet. Because it’s the only way to quell my fears.
Thanks oodles Sarah for another fine essay. Keep telling it.
I worked with a “Michael Myers” from 1992—93 in NYC. He was one of the “cadre of evil billionaire[s]” you mention. There are so many more now—these “Michael Myers”—running around the globe. And you are correct, it’s Halloween every day, everywhere.
You’re not alone Final Girl. The whole world is in it with you.
An Indian Engineer who lived on my street in San Mateo told me that Bernie never had a chance because Wall Street opposed him. I've gone to school in St. Louis and lived in Delaware, even meeting Biden on occasion. I've always known Biden was milquetoast, just as sure as I refused to shake John Danforth's hand at a U. City fair. Biden was just saying words when he talked about accountabilty, he never intended to carry that forward. At my men's book club tonight, we all agreed that American Democracy looks like an experiment that failed. At the schools where I teach, American History ends when the 13th, 14th and 15 Amendments are passed. Your prose about the end of America, Sarah, is striking. If only there were a way to rescue American history from oblivion. Then, I might be hopeful.
It’s going to be a surreal year. I don’t get the sense that too many people understand what is about to happen, the violence coming (or escalating, as it’s already here for many) no matter who wins. But my world isn’t that big so I hope I’m wrong.
Sarah, you've told us to write down the things that make us care, that define our integrity and values, that imbue our humanity, because future events will test us in that regard. I have yet to do this because I still feel intact in these regards.
I think I've put the boogeyman in his proper place in my psyche, that I can handle whatever comes, that I will not fear.
But fear I do. I've read all your books, I subscribe, I read several periodicals every day, and while I look for glimmers of hope, I more often find the world is darkening. Sometimes I wish I didn't know or didn't care (which is worse: ignorance or apathy?)
But when the Boogeyman keeps showing up, and getting away with murder, and there's no one to stop him and no way to avoid him, I feel powerless. My supposedly powerful vote is the flimsiest of shields.
And God, isn't Orange Trump eerily the embodiment of Michael Meyers? I'll leave Biden out of this for now. I hope I'm still standing in my integrity when the worst happens. I'm going to write these things down now. I think I'll remember me, but as the old Chinese proverb goes: The weakest ink serves better than the strongest memory.
Well, it boils down to a choice between Biden and Trump in reality! Can’t go the third party route. I remember the Ralph Nader effect all too well! Can’t vote for a self-proclaimed wannabe dictator either! So, for me there’s really no choice involved!
I've thought of you many times over the last few months as mainstream media and their pundits and politicians are suddenly discovering the threat of fascism, the danger imposed by AG Garland, the corruption of Trump, his manipulation of the judicial system, and on. Often, I'll turn to my husband and say, "Sarah Kendzior said this years ago!" I'm not convinced that those who now propel this warning of the coming fall of our form of government should Trump win actually understand what it all entails. It's a worrisome time, but I've heard you, Sarah, since 2016, and I honestly don't know why the serious folks didn't register your well researched warnings. Thank you for all you do - but I'm sure this is an odd moment, watching/hearing people discovering what you already figured out years ago.
They heard my warnings and some of them said the same things themselves four years ago! What they’re doing now is feigning shock to avoid accountability. They have to pretend this is all new, and that, in some cases, I did not discuss these very matters *with them on national television*, so that their complicity in either failing to hold criminal elites accountable or failing to accurately cover the story is not scrutinized.
Trump’s main tactic is running out the clock. All of these people help him by feigning ignorance of obvious crimes. Because I document obvious crimes in real time, I function like a human spoiler alert, ruining propaganda schemes across the board.
I’m a pluralist and the Democratic Party at least plays lip service to pluralism. The GOP, on the other hand, has fully embraced fascism. Still, the nation deserves something more than a “choice”between a demented criminal and an 81 year old genocide enabler. But there are also down ballot candidates who genuinely desire change and deserve our support. For what it’s worth, and it probably isn’t worth much, Biden’s SOTU was a pivot toward the values of a Democratic Party long since abandoned by the party itself. If nothing else, it was a clear indication that the party realizes that it’s in deep trouble and the neoliberal bs of the past ain’t cutting it anymore. Yes, it’s cynical, but it’s also a response to the undercurrents of discontent.
I’m a big supporter and love your work. And I appreciate the rage, disappointment and fear behind this well-written post. But I believe we must focus on a simpler practical reality in a national election year - especially this one, the most consequential since 1860.
We have two choices that are quite distinct from one another in November: a candidate who respects the Constitution and the rule of law, supports unions, and will protect a woman’s right to choose, Social Security and Medicare; and one who will do none of these things, a career criminal and serial rapist who has pledged to hollow out government and set up internment camps. They are in no way comparable except that they’re both old white guys. To say they are dueling Mike Myers’s is a dramatic stretch. Your slasher metaphor is kinda fun, but strained.
It’s time to stop pretending Biden and Trump are anywhere near the same thing. They are not. No, Biden isn’t perfect or always right. No President has ever been nor ever will be. He certainly needs to do more in Gaza and to restrain Netanyahu.
But Biden is the only choice for 2024. And it’s important to say so.
You may be too young to remember how Nader and his unrealistic voting bloc of angry idealists were ultimately responsible for throwing the 2000 election to SCOTUS … which ultimately gave us the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, Citizens United and so much more that directly led us to our current nightmare. All because Al Gore was rather dull, a Washington insider and “not liberal enough,” in spite of his global warming credentials. Nader knew he could never be anything but a spoiler to Gore. And that he certainly was. I personally have never trusted or forgiven him for what I characterize as an ego-driven betrayal of the country from which we have never recovered.
The current situation is not dissimilar, but the stakes are infinitely higher in 2024. Promoting dramatic false equivalencies does not help us with the task at hand, which is to re-elect the imperfect Biden and keep his extremely dangerous opponent out of the WH and (I hope) in jail where he belongs.
The *Nader effect" y'all have been harping about for two decades has been debunked multiple times. Dems watched SCOTUS literally steal an election then and y'all still blame Nader. Never mention all the Florida Dems who voted for BUSH and the tens of thousands more who DIDNT VOTE.
This piece really speaks to me of the overall horror we are experiencing. Perhaps I’m foolish or naive and as pitiful as the options in this election are, I can’t help but feel that the outcome if Trump is elected will be cosmically and starkly worse than the alternative. The real villain of the piece though is the press that continues to pump their chloroform into our homes everyday. I don’t know if it’s something you said on Gaslit Nation or not but the phrase that sticks in my head is no one is coming to save us. I did some math. If everyone who voted for Biden came out into the street twice wherever they are between May and November that would put six million people in the street every weekend. Would it make any difference? I don’t know but when you think of it it’s a pretty low bar to create something pretty hard to ignore.
Sarah, I have missed you so much over the past year. Your voice and your truth in the face of so much uncertainty have carried me through some of the darkest moments over the past years since GLN launched, and honestly it is medicine for those of us who are just trying to see through the BS and find a way to shine light on it all. Thank you for sharing your powerful and moving words with us. They are truly a gift and I only hope we can all find in them the inspiration to build something beautiful from the rubble of this shattered world together, one grain of truth after another, leading each other forward until we find our way back to our collective humanity. 🙏
It's so obvious why Merrick Garland was picked to do what he hasn't really done. That was the intention. Now we've had the whole parasitic-industries/entertainment media keeping the cliffhanger sequel alive, as you put it: Coup2. It's been pleasing for the billionaire class, you can bet your life, 'cause basically with this 2024 ridiculous f'n shit show, that's what we're doing anyway. While corporate media pundits seem to be under the influence of some killer strain that they've smoked, because they're the shoehorns that gently slip us all into the comfortable shoe filled with bullshit as truth, legitimacy, and acceptance. They've been polishing this turd the minute the Republicans started their immediate denial of what everyone saw on January 6, 2020.
You can’t kill the Boogeyman, and the Final Girl never goes down without a fight.
Love this. Gonna make it my mantra. Thank you.
I watched the movie Halloween as a kid and was terrified. I slept with my head under the covers for months. Never watched another scary movie after that. I take them too literally. This all makes me want to put my head under the covers again for months but by some I'm made to feel that if I don't do everything I can to get out the vote it is my fault if Trump wins. I'm tired of being told its my fault if the Democrats don't win back the house and keep control of the Senate. They say by doing that we can make changes. Oh yeah we did gain control of the House and Senate in 2020 but what happened. I did my part and voted but did anything change? We are left with this sequel
Exactly. Whatever happens, it is NOT your fault. I am so sick of hearing that. I am so sick of people with little to no power being blamed for the crimes or inaction of the rich and powerful. My advice is just try to survive and be a good person -- be kind to strangers, be helpful when you can. There's not enough of that in daily life, and it means a lot to people, and it often doesn't take much to do. It's more important than an election. Our morality and the way we treat people will always be the most important thing.
Thank you Sarah. I value your take on what is going on in our world. I work in the service industry and try to come up with ways to make someone's experience extraordinary. I have created a few for fun Facebook groups where we don't talk politics but come together as people with common interests and learn that sometimes we want the same things, just maybe differently. Just trying to find common ground. I want to discover all the hidden gems that this country has to offer. I wanted to find a good map of my state and put push pins in the places that I have been to and want to go. My parents came home today with a book someone brought to the senior center to give away. They thought I would like it. It has great detailed maps of every state. I am loving that book about hidden gems in each state in this beautiful country that we live in!
You're so right. I'm so sick of the Democrat's blame the victims attitude and then fund raising off women losing control over our bodies. The ruling class doesn't care how many of us they kill as long as they're profiting off of it. All governments are authoritarian and they need to die. No one should ever hold power over anyone.
Your advice reminds me of my favorite climate doomer Eliot Jacobson, who says "Be kind, be generous, be of service." It's all we have left, really. It's the way to go through the dark days ahead with a soul-fortifying goal.
Yes, things changed, they got worse😢
Dread. This is all we have for the next 8 months. It’s really hard not to feel shame as we watch our ‘Halloween’ unfold. The saga of American Life seemingly will never change.
I am finding my happinesses listening to as much live music as I can afford. I will hang on to that electrifying energy, and hope to bring a positive force to the people I meet. Because it’s the only way to quell my fears.
Thanks oodles Sarah for another fine essay. Keep telling it.
I worked with a “Michael Myers” from 1992—93 in NYC. He was one of the “cadre of evil billionaire[s]” you mention. There are so many more now—these “Michael Myers”—running around the globe. And you are correct, it’s Halloween every day, everywhere.
You’re not alone Final Girl. The whole world is in it with you.
Thank you
An Indian Engineer who lived on my street in San Mateo told me that Bernie never had a chance because Wall Street opposed him. I've gone to school in St. Louis and lived in Delaware, even meeting Biden on occasion. I've always known Biden was milquetoast, just as sure as I refused to shake John Danforth's hand at a U. City fair. Biden was just saying words when he talked about accountabilty, he never intended to carry that forward. At my men's book club tonight, we all agreed that American Democracy looks like an experiment that failed. At the schools where I teach, American History ends when the 13th, 14th and 15 Amendments are passed. Your prose about the end of America, Sarah, is striking. If only there were a way to rescue American history from oblivion. Then, I might be hopeful.
It’s going to be a surreal year. I don’t get the sense that too many people understand what is about to happen, the violence coming (or escalating, as it’s already here for many) no matter who wins. But my world isn’t that big so I hope I’m wrong.
Sarah, you've told us to write down the things that make us care, that define our integrity and values, that imbue our humanity, because future events will test us in that regard. I have yet to do this because I still feel intact in these regards.
I think I've put the boogeyman in his proper place in my psyche, that I can handle whatever comes, that I will not fear.
But fear I do. I've read all your books, I subscribe, I read several periodicals every day, and while I look for glimmers of hope, I more often find the world is darkening. Sometimes I wish I didn't know or didn't care (which is worse: ignorance or apathy?)
But when the Boogeyman keeps showing up, and getting away with murder, and there's no one to stop him and no way to avoid him, I feel powerless. My supposedly powerful vote is the flimsiest of shields.
And God, isn't Orange Trump eerily the embodiment of Michael Meyers? I'll leave Biden out of this for now. I hope I'm still standing in my integrity when the worst happens. I'm going to write these things down now. I think I'll remember me, but as the old Chinese proverb goes: The weakest ink serves better than the strongest memory.
That is a great proverb that I’ve never heard before, thank you for sharing! We’ll need it…
Well, it boils down to a choice between Biden and Trump in reality! Can’t go the third party route. I remember the Ralph Nader effect all too well! Can’t vote for a self-proclaimed wannabe dictator either! So, for me there’s really no choice involved!
I've thought of you many times over the last few months as mainstream media and their pundits and politicians are suddenly discovering the threat of fascism, the danger imposed by AG Garland, the corruption of Trump, his manipulation of the judicial system, and on. Often, I'll turn to my husband and say, "Sarah Kendzior said this years ago!" I'm not convinced that those who now propel this warning of the coming fall of our form of government should Trump win actually understand what it all entails. It's a worrisome time, but I've heard you, Sarah, since 2016, and I honestly don't know why the serious folks didn't register your well researched warnings. Thank you for all you do - but I'm sure this is an odd moment, watching/hearing people discovering what you already figured out years ago.
They heard my warnings and some of them said the same things themselves four years ago! What they’re doing now is feigning shock to avoid accountability. They have to pretend this is all new, and that, in some cases, I did not discuss these very matters *with them on national television*, so that their complicity in either failing to hold criminal elites accountable or failing to accurately cover the story is not scrutinized.
Trump’s main tactic is running out the clock. All of these people help him by feigning ignorance of obvious crimes. Because I document obvious crimes in real time, I function like a human spoiler alert, ruining propaganda schemes across the board.
I’m a pluralist and the Democratic Party at least plays lip service to pluralism. The GOP, on the other hand, has fully embraced fascism. Still, the nation deserves something more than a “choice”between a demented criminal and an 81 year old genocide enabler. But there are also down ballot candidates who genuinely desire change and deserve our support. For what it’s worth, and it probably isn’t worth much, Biden’s SOTU was a pivot toward the values of a Democratic Party long since abandoned by the party itself. If nothing else, it was a clear indication that the party realizes that it’s in deep trouble and the neoliberal bs of the past ain’t cutting it anymore. Yes, it’s cynical, but it’s also a response to the undercurrents of discontent.
I’m a big supporter and love your work. And I appreciate the rage, disappointment and fear behind this well-written post. But I believe we must focus on a simpler practical reality in a national election year - especially this one, the most consequential since 1860.
We have two choices that are quite distinct from one another in November: a candidate who respects the Constitution and the rule of law, supports unions, and will protect a woman’s right to choose, Social Security and Medicare; and one who will do none of these things, a career criminal and serial rapist who has pledged to hollow out government and set up internment camps. They are in no way comparable except that they’re both old white guys. To say they are dueling Mike Myers’s is a dramatic stretch. Your slasher metaphor is kinda fun, but strained.
It’s time to stop pretending Biden and Trump are anywhere near the same thing. They are not. No, Biden isn’t perfect or always right. No President has ever been nor ever will be. He certainly needs to do more in Gaza and to restrain Netanyahu.
But Biden is the only choice for 2024. And it’s important to say so.
You may be too young to remember how Nader and his unrealistic voting bloc of angry idealists were ultimately responsible for throwing the 2000 election to SCOTUS … which ultimately gave us the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, Citizens United and so much more that directly led us to our current nightmare. All because Al Gore was rather dull, a Washington insider and “not liberal enough,” in spite of his global warming credentials. Nader knew he could never be anything but a spoiler to Gore. And that he certainly was. I personally have never trusted or forgiven him for what I characterize as an ego-driven betrayal of the country from which we have never recovered.
The current situation is not dissimilar, but the stakes are infinitely higher in 2024. Promoting dramatic false equivalencies does not help us with the task at hand, which is to re-elect the imperfect Biden and keep his extremely dangerous opponent out of the WH and (I hope) in jail where he belongs.
The *Nader effect" y'all have been harping about for two decades has been debunked multiple times. Dems watched SCOTUS literally steal an election then and y'all still blame Nader. Never mention all the Florida Dems who voted for BUSH and the tens of thousands more who DIDNT VOTE.
Beyond brilliant, as always Sarah.
This piece really speaks to me of the overall horror we are experiencing. Perhaps I’m foolish or naive and as pitiful as the options in this election are, I can’t help but feel that the outcome if Trump is elected will be cosmically and starkly worse than the alternative. The real villain of the piece though is the press that continues to pump their chloroform into our homes everyday. I don’t know if it’s something you said on Gaslit Nation or not but the phrase that sticks in my head is no one is coming to save us. I did some math. If everyone who voted for Biden came out into the street twice wherever they are between May and November that would put six million people in the street every weekend. Would it make any difference? I don’t know but when you think of it it’s a pretty low bar to create something pretty hard to ignore.
Brilliantly dark. Darkly brilliant. Deeply disturbing. Disturbingly deep.
Sarah, I have missed you so much over the past year. Your voice and your truth in the face of so much uncertainty have carried me through some of the darkest moments over the past years since GLN launched, and honestly it is medicine for those of us who are just trying to see through the BS and find a way to shine light on it all. Thank you for sharing your powerful and moving words with us. They are truly a gift and I only hope we can all find in them the inspiration to build something beautiful from the rubble of this shattered world together, one grain of truth after another, leading each other forward until we find our way back to our collective humanity. 🙏
Thank you so much, that means a lot to me!
It's so obvious why Merrick Garland was picked to do what he hasn't really done. That was the intention. Now we've had the whole parasitic-industries/entertainment media keeping the cliffhanger sequel alive, as you put it: Coup2. It's been pleasing for the billionaire class, you can bet your life, 'cause basically with this 2024 ridiculous f'n shit show, that's what we're doing anyway. While corporate media pundits seem to be under the influence of some killer strain that they've smoked, because they're the shoehorns that gently slip us all into the comfortable shoe filled with bullshit as truth, legitimacy, and acceptance. They've been polishing this turd the minute the Republicans started their immediate denial of what everyone saw on January 6, 2020.
Yes. In case you haven’t seen it, the background of Merrick Garland and why he was chosen: