Just a quick note to say THANK YOU to everyone! I'm overwhelmed by the response in the nicest of ways. This has been a very hard year and it's gratifying to see your interest. I'm excited to be writing here and glad to have a place where we can all keep in touch!

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I am thrilled to find you here. I took to substack to find and support folks like yourself “speaking truth to power “ without the editorial confines which can limit or obstruct said revelation of facts found .I quit twitter / X shortly after Musk took over and have missed you . I look forward to reading your pieces here and your further publication of books. One love.

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Hey Sarah,

I've been an avid follower of your writings and podcast since 2016, and I'm a huge fan! It's been inspiring to see you start this Substack page after leaving GN. Great job! Your work has given both me and those I share your articles, books, etc., with—over the years—reassurance that immigrating here was the right choice. As Helen Lewis of The Atlantic aptly put it, "America is a country of more than 300 million people, many brilliant and many who can finish a sentence," in her recent piece about the daunting choices in this presidential election. You stand out as one of the brilliant ones, and I am grateful for your voice. It continually evolves and captures the real essence of this country, whether discussing a favorite band at the Indiana Bacon Festival, the horrors of the Crescent hotel in the Ozarks, or figures like Dershowitz, Gorelick, or Garland and even connecting these seemingly distant dots with excellent writing, wits and depth.

I'm reaching out here because I couldn't find any direct way to message you. I'd like to share an interview with a Hungarian investigative journalist I've translated, thinking you might find her experiences living in Transylvania as a Hungarian and dealing with Hungary's illiberal democracy (dictatorship) in her work intriguing. Could you let me know the best way to share the link to the document with you?

Keep up the great work!

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here's the interview, if you have a chance please check it out https://janoskorodi.substack.com?utm_source=navbar&utm_medium=web&r=fm6qh

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Have been missing your presence on Gaslit Nation! Looking forward to your new book, as well!

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I was just thinking the same thing.

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Oh, Sarah, it's great to hear your voice again, even "just" in print. Like so many others, I have been missing you badly on Gaslit Nation, though I am also grateful to Andrea for soldiering on. I look forward to reading your posts here and your new book when it appears. You are a voice of sanity in a world gone completely mad, a voice of compassion in the face of so much violence and hatred. Thank you for sharing yourself with us!! Please be well!!

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Welcome! So nice to hear from you. It sounds like you had some stuff to deal with this summer, I’m sorry and I hope things are looking better.

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Nice to see you are writing more about your travels. I’ve always enjoyed the photos you have shared.

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So glad to see you post something here Sarah! Your viewpoint on the current crises is the one that I think is spot on and that I value the most. I look forward to reading more from you.

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Yeay! So good to finally hear from you, we missed you these last few months! I understand you've been dealing with your share of the life-and-death stuff, so I wanted to say I'm sorry you're going through that in your family - it's so hard to deal with. Looking forward to reading your newsletter and future books, thank you for always fighting the good fight Sarah, cheers!

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Thrilled to be readying your brilliant writing. What a gift your writing is.

Sending you so much love and gratitude for you.

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Thank you for continuing to share your invaluable perspective and insight. It is greatly appreciated.

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Sp good to see you on the stack. I upgraded to paid immediately when I saw you this morning. Welcome and best wishes. You have been missed.

Big hugs.

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Hooray! I’ve missed your voice, too, and have been a little worried - prayers up for fortitude and your family’s comfort and health. Congratulations on the new book - I hope you’ve felt some healing and restoration in writing it. (And I also hope it has some Gravity Falls references or X-Files episode locations for me to share with my daughter😉)

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So happy to hear from you! You are missed! Take good care of yourself.

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Can’t wait for the new book to come out! The travel tales are some of my favorite parts of your other books.

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Glad to see you here! I always look forward to your incisive, searing, and oddball observations.

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Looking forward to reading you again.

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Glad you could join us, Sarah!

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