Like many of us, I've been trying to limit my consumption of news in order to stay functional and able to work. Your newsletter is always an exception. Trusted information from a trusted source. Thank you so much for your work and expertise and clarity.

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Thank you!

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And of course now I always think of 90210 when your newsletter lands in my inbox! :)

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100%...I check her Twitter posts several times a day as a way remain in reality...

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“I lack words to describe how much I hate AI.” It’s such a relief to hear you say that. So many people seem willing and even eager to invite it into their lives and minds, as if it was a fun new toy or seven-league boots to advancement. I feel about it the way people feel about GMOs or forever chemicals. Poison.

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Yes. It's nightmare fuel. Literally, in my case. I could have gone on and on about its dangers and didn't only to conserve space, but another massive problem with AI is its effect on the environment and climate change. It is wrecking humanity both in terms of our minds and in terms of our planet. There is no need for it and the cost we will pay is high.

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“There’s no need for it.” 🎯

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Agree. It’s with great distress that I witness the state university where I teach go all-in on AI. In my own field, the rush to embrace it means surrendering the very best part of creativity and design to machines that plagiarize and exploit and lie. Why would we ever choose that? At least people are starting to consider the environmental costs of all that computing power. I’m collaborating with another Substacker, John Locke, on an article or series about this.

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Will watch for it!

"We" are "choosing" it, that is, it's being foisted on us, because there are billions to be made and the ultimate rush for tech bros of playing God.

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Yes, it's distressing to see the rush, seemingly free of critical thought.

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I can see that it has its uses—to make cute memes, and to solve data-massive problems like protein folding. (In either order 😂 ) But that was its place, and it needed to be kept firmly in it.

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And now we all can see that it just lies and fakes stuff to look plausible so why should we trust it to do anything?

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You're right, that quite invalidates anything useful a strictly limited version of it might have done.

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Thank you for every answer. Especially the reminder that how we treat one another is central to our humanity. Holding fast to that truth and the gorgeous world we live in. Your insights and intrepid integrity give me hope.

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Thank you for reading!

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My response in general is be real, hold on to your positive position, & most of all, be kind to yourself & others,

Otherwise do not accept tyranny.

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I am so glad to hear you say that the climate crisis is much more important than the political crisis. I have pretty much tuned out of the political shitshow and focusing on the series of irreversible disasters that await us that there is no coming back from. And what's worse, is that what is required to even pump the brakes on it even a little bit would require voluntary deprivation which our petroleum-addicted western society absolutely refuses to do. Convenience is so .... convenient!

For years I've been studying and learning "antique" ways of doing things, collecting rugged manual tools from thrift stores/junk shops. After some fixing up and rehab, they LAST. Today I'm getting a wringer for the dasher washer I'm building this summer. In so many ways, our future will be the past. A reference library of actual BOOKS is also a must because all those e-books can be gone in a flash. John Michael Greer's The Long Descent opened my eyes to what is coming so I've been learning and preparing ever since.

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Yes -- I'm the same way, trying to master old ways of doing things that don't require electricity and certainly don't require the internet. I do this with everything from learning survival skills to hobbies. (Most everything I like to do for fun is something people did a hundred years ago anyway, so this isn't any sacrifice on my part.) It's definitely good to have print manuals and maps -- not only because we may face collapse in a dramatic way, but because we may simply have an internet so enshittified it is dangerous to get advice from it.

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“In so many ways, our future will be the past.” ❤️

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Most important bit of this: "Mutual aid groups and labor unions are essential. The stronger those become, the more successful a boycott will be. The biggest obstacle to organized resistance is the tech surveillance state. The potential for organized resistance is there, but it’s very easy to infiltrate or stomp it out right now."

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Thank you for all of the thoughtful answers. I would add to the Bannon v Musk comments. I believe still, that maga just wants to flood the zone. Whether it be through controversy or intra conflict, if we’re focusing on their spats, they can more thoroughly “crime” us under the obfuscation.

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Yes, absolutely

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Building off of this, I’ve seen many longtime activists and organizers refer to things like Trump’s recent barrage of executive orders as part of a “shock and awe” strategy. I’m inclined to agree, since the point of that strategy is to make such a show of strength (real or imagined) that the opposition feels overwhelmed and powerless so they lose the will to fight back. Sarah Kendzior, I’m very curious to know your thoughts on this

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Yes I agree. But the strategy is so predictable, I think many activists won't be deterred because they saw it coming.

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I’m so tired of all the prognosticators, soothsayers,crystal ball owners and tarot card readers telling us what will happen in the future with any degree of confidence. They certainly weren’t able to predict the failure of the Harris campaign. They weren’t able to see voters disillusion with the Democratic Party. They weren’t able to foresee the inept messaging of Biden administration accomplishments. They didn’t listen when the 60% of Americans who live paycheck to paycheck told them that the Stock Market is not the economy. I DO want to know what the Democratic Party and its Septuagenarian and Octogenarian leaders are doing to help the middle class Americans who’ve been left behind and ignored for 45 years. Republican LITE will not work. Ignore Americans making less than $100K at your own peril. You will be irrelevant if you do. We demand change. The same old same old doesn’t work anymore. We don’t need politicians whose primary focus is self enrichment I.e. Menendez, Cuellar and Pelosi. How are you supporting Democracy by being paid agents of foreign governments or insider trading?

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All of this is valid.

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"Anti-corruption is a unifying issue. No one likes corruption except the corrupt. People will vote for an asshole, but they’ll reject a swindler — so long as they can identify him as one. Unfortunately, the opposition itself has been hijacked by swindlers. We need fiscal and political transparency to rebuild trust."

100% this.

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I loved this excerpt, too!

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Frankly I'd like to see discussion from those open to proactive change. There's no rule saying these candidates must be renominated every two or six years. Are we ever going to start working in off-election years to show up prepared with real challengers in March primaries? Or will we continue to bury our heads until election year, fantasizing about blue waves until November when we can vote blue no matter who?

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“I’m grateful for acts of kindness by people who refuse to capitulate to cruelty.” I was struck yesterday by the deep and matter-of-fact graciousness with which strangers of all descriptions hold doors for each other and thank each other for doing so here in big bad New York City. On the level of those tiny transactions, oddly, civilization is unmarred.

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Maybe because those transactions aren't as anonymous as online or, my pet peeve, how idiotic people act when they're behind the wheel?

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Yes!! There's a fine rabbit hole around Martin Buber, Paul Ricoeur, and Emmanuel Levinas https://www.jewishbookcouncil.org/book/emmanuel-levinas-his-life-and-legacy. Levinas's main idea was that seeing THE FACE OF THE OTHER was the root of all ethics and morality, that we have an instinctive response to this. (How ironic that this was an interpretation of Jewish ethics, and now Israel's conduct is based on Netanyahu's refusal to look into the face of a Palestinian child.)

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Thank you for answering my question and for being a dependable oasis of reality.

All is not lost. As long as millions of us care. And we do.

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Yes we do...

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"...but the main reason is that Democrats are seen as the Party of Betrayal. Republicans will screw you openly. Democrats pretend to have your back and then stab it. You should not vote GOP unless you enjoy being screwed, but voting for a Democrat feels like setting yourself up for the particular pain of betrayal."

Ouch, but the truth here rings loud and clear!

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So well done. Your heart and mind are national treasures.

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Loved the Q & A’s, Sarah! Will comment more later. Am seeing my dear creative, adventuresome granddaughter in a bit.

Re Mumpets term: Timothy Snyder has a witty and rage-engendering Substack article on the Mump (Musk + Trump) regime, including a glossary of several Mump-ish terms. Actually, Mumpish is one of the terms.

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Sarah: "I’m dazzled by a river or a song". Imagine going through life never having that feeling, where 'art' has only ever been "The Art of the Deal" and 'nature' is exploiting human nature.

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All of your answers are wonderful, of course, but your answer to the very first one--about helping our children through the coming storm--was especially moving to me! Thank you!!

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Thank you for reading!

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It brought me to tears...So eloquent...

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"No one likes corruption except the corrupt." Very quotable! I liked that a lot. Thanks.

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