Like SB below, I'm a university educator--in TX (though relatively protected/privileged: white CIS male tenured full prof). I am concerned about the seemingly-unstoppable slide toward fascism in education as in government, but I have some room and can exit if it gets too bad.
Also am childless and so--if you don't mind a relatively personal question, Sarah--what helps you think about the society that we're leaving to your kids? I read the travel- and place-oriented essays, and I understand that you ground them, and yourself, in real experiences offline & in the phenomenal world. But, if you don't mind commenting: how do you yourself resist despair on behalf of your kids?
Thank you as ever for your courage and hard-nosed clarity.
And I hope everyone who reads your newsletter will focus, on Jan 20, on MLK Jr, instead of the orange monster. I hope everyone will attend and/or organize events wherever you are to distract from the Beast's shameful and unconstitutional return to OUR White House. Let's truly honor the person we should be honoring that day. That's what I'm doing, anyway, here in my Central Maine town!
Thank you, Sarah. I don't believe in God, but am ready to fall on my knees and say GOD HELP US ALL. And if God exists, maybe a lifetime's worth of cheeseburgers could please kick in sooner rather than later....may it be so. No questions from me this time around, just a heap o' thanks, and looking forward to your answers to everyone else's questions!!
In the past week, I've shared with many your post from August 2019:
"You should take the Greenland shit more seriously. It's not just theatrical assholery; Trump and his backers are seeking to profit off climate change in a world without old alliances or protocol."
I'm again in awe of how you use your education, intelligence and analytic skills to lay out the plain truth, years in advance. You also wrote at that time (2019) "Trump wouldn't invade, he'd do it corporate raider style like Carl Icahn. Break a country then buy it. Not just for Denmark/Greenland, but anywhere. His backers see a severe global recession as an opportunity to get away with ideas previously regarded as insane or impossible." In that vein, he's threatening new tariffs on imports from Denmark.
Questions: Will the tariffs work? Or do you see military involvement? Will the asshole succeed?
Question please: how might you suggest we help our 20/30 year old adult children find any optimism for the future? Or is that simply gaslighting them (*sigh*) ? Thanks.
What can be done to ensure that we stay informed and get factual information given that our media companies are increasingly compromised and social media is flooded with AI bots (and bad faith humans) deliberately spreading misinformation?
(I don't mean to hijack your question), but I too have the same concerns as social media is being manipulated to spread divisiveness & hatred.
I think this is what's behind the TikTok ban as well. I run an online business and worry about the future of it for this reason. I notice Obama was the first to shine a light to it's effectiveness during his campaign. That may have started bringing it to the top of everyone else's list as a bolstering chip, whatever their intentions.
I think social media is the latest tool to be manipulated, hence Musk being one of tRUMPs best assets - aside from his wealth.
Can you envision any organized resistance to the ensuing chaos? I know that's far too general, but disorganized ennui that ends up in silos of bemoaning won't get us far. Do you think we have the wherewithal?
Thanks for everything you do. The risks you take. The words you curate. It’s is appreciated by many.
I’ve been following your work from afar (Australia) for a long time now. During the first term, your former podcast was very grounding. I love reading, but sometimes, I just need an audible voice to tell me I’m not going crazy or misinterpreting/misremembering things. Any chance you’ll be starting a new podcast or something of the sorts?
There are so many podcasts out there, but I find they just regurgitate the same talking points without any real analysis - especially analysis grounded in history.
If I have to pay more for a subscription, I will happily and willingly. My anxiety is making me feel like a smoosh ball that can’t take any type of action, and sometimes it helps to know I/we are not alone.
How long do you think Trump and his enablers will be able to 1) navigate the civil war between Bannon etc and Musk and 2) hide Trump’s growing cognitive decline?
It feels to me as if the "ties that bind" this country together have been snapped, one by one, over the course of my 59 years. I'm not exactly a radical, but I feel about 90% disconnected from Republicans now, and in my direct experience those feelings are very much mutual. When one half of the country literally lives in a different reality than the other half, and the severity of the disconnection grows greater with every passing year, and each half views the other increasingly as literal traitors to the nation, eventually something's gotta give. I know we're all supposed to emphasize our commonality as Americans, but what do we really have in common anymore? I don't think I can keep up this hollow pretense for four more years of Trumpism. Do you see any practical way - short of civil war - for blue parts of the country to dissasociate from the red parts? Are there any legitimate movements that you're aware of in this country that have the practical goal of achieving secession?
I felt this way after the 2016 and 2020 elections, but this most recent election (if you can call it that…) has made me come to realize that what we (“red” and “blue”) have in common is that we’ve been hoodwinked by our preferred party into believing they actually care about us and want to make anything better, or that they even have different goals from each other at all. I used to feel so much resentment towards my “red” leaning family, colleagues, former friends etc., and I do still feel anger and judgment towards them for their willingness to accept and support open bigotry. But these days I mostly just feel sad for anyone (including my very liberal family!) who continues to put their faith in any politician or institution.
I hear what you're saying, but don't completely agree. I don't really put "faith" in politicians or institutions, but I do work with governmental agencies and have had both good and bad experiences doing so. What I've found is that, in general, it's possible to get good outcomes in conflicts by learning the facts and presenting them clearly - and going to court, if necessary. What worries me is that most Republicans in the DJT era have decided that uniting behind Trump is more important than uniting behind the facts - like most of them now deny that Trump engaged in insurrection on 1/6/2020 and deny that climate change is real. I'm not saying that Dem politicians are perfect, but I do believe they try to develop useful policies - in the context of a diverse capitalistic society that pays a lot of deference to big money - incorporating the best available evidence. I don't generally believe that about Republicans.
Hi Sara! First of all, that’s a fine photo of one of my favorite Louvin Brothers LPs. They were foundational to many artists I enjoy. My question is, how will Republicans avoid responsibility after Hegseth runs DoD into the ground?
I’ve seen the theme of “opposition” all over the place (including the new Substack “The Contrarian”) and wonder if it’s possible—or even worthwhile—to focus on creation. Yes we need to stand up to what’s coming in this administration, but are there opportunities to do good, to offer hope, to be a light in darkness? Those in the Civil Rights movement didn’t just fight oppression and bigotry; they also worked towards creating the future they desired. What might that look like for us?
Why do you live so far away ?
Love, Mom
Ha! From the woman who spent my whole childhood belting out this song:
So sweet!
Thank you, Sarah's mom! ;)
No questions. Gratitude for your work. Thank you.
Thank you!
Like SB below, I'm a university educator--in TX (though relatively protected/privileged: white CIS male tenured full prof). I am concerned about the seemingly-unstoppable slide toward fascism in education as in government, but I have some room and can exit if it gets too bad.
Also am childless and so--if you don't mind a relatively personal question, Sarah--what helps you think about the society that we're leaving to your kids? I read the travel- and place-oriented essays, and I understand that you ground them, and yourself, in real experiences offline & in the phenomenal world. But, if you don't mind commenting: how do you yourself resist despair on behalf of your kids?
Thank you as ever for your courage and hard-nosed clarity.
And I hope everyone who reads your newsletter will focus, on Jan 20, on MLK Jr, instead of the orange monster. I hope everyone will attend and/or organize events wherever you are to distract from the Beast's shameful and unconstitutional return to OUR White House. Let's truly honor the person we should be honoring that day. That's what I'm doing, anyway, here in my Central Maine town!
Thank you, Sarah. I don't believe in God, but am ready to fall on my knees and say GOD HELP US ALL. And if God exists, maybe a lifetime's worth of cheeseburgers could please kick in sooner rather than later....may it be so. No questions from me this time around, just a heap o' thanks, and looking forward to your answers to everyone else's questions!!
HA! This made me LOL. Thank you.
I think I read somewhere that "Evil like that doesn't just effing die, but seems to last forEVAH!" 😩🤬😆
If I didn't laugh most of the time, I'd be crying. And sometimes that's needed. Please stay safe. 🫶🏽
Thank you Elizabeth!
In the past week, I've shared with many your post from August 2019:
"You should take the Greenland shit more seriously. It's not just theatrical assholery; Trump and his backers are seeking to profit off climate change in a world without old alliances or protocol."
I'm again in awe of how you use your education, intelligence and analytic skills to lay out the plain truth, years in advance. You also wrote at that time (2019) "Trump wouldn't invade, he'd do it corporate raider style like Carl Icahn. Break a country then buy it. Not just for Denmark/Greenland, but anywhere. His backers see a severe global recession as an opportunity to get away with ideas previously regarded as insane or impossible." In that vein, he's threatening new tariffs on imports from Denmark.
Questions: Will the tariffs work? Or do you see military involvement? Will the asshole succeed?
Question please: how might you suggest we help our 20/30 year old adult children find any optimism for the future? Or is that simply gaslighting them (*sigh*) ? Thanks.
What can be done to ensure that we stay informed and get factual information given that our media companies are increasingly compromised and social media is flooded with AI bots (and bad faith humans) deliberately spreading misinformation?
(I don't mean to hijack your question), but I too have the same concerns as social media is being manipulated to spread divisiveness & hatred.
I think this is what's behind the TikTok ban as well. I run an online business and worry about the future of it for this reason. I notice Obama was the first to shine a light to it's effectiveness during his campaign. That may have started bringing it to the top of everyone else's list as a bolstering chip, whatever their intentions.
I think social media is the latest tool to be manipulated, hence Musk being one of tRUMPs best assets - aside from his wealth.
Can you envision any organized resistance to the ensuing chaos? I know that's far too general, but disorganized ennui that ends up in silos of bemoaning won't get us far. Do you think we have the wherewithal?
Hi Sarah,
Thanks for everything you do. The risks you take. The words you curate. It’s is appreciated by many.
I’ve been following your work from afar (Australia) for a long time now. During the first term, your former podcast was very grounding. I love reading, but sometimes, I just need an audible voice to tell me I’m not going crazy or misinterpreting/misremembering things. Any chance you’ll be starting a new podcast or something of the sorts?
There are so many podcasts out there, but I find they just regurgitate the same talking points without any real analysis - especially analysis grounded in history.
If I have to pay more for a subscription, I will happily and willingly. My anxiety is making me feel like a smoosh ball that can’t take any type of action, and sometimes it helps to know I/we are not alone.
Thank you again,
How long do you think Trump and his enablers will be able to 1) navigate the civil war between Bannon etc and Musk and 2) hide Trump’s growing cognitive decline?
It feels to me as if the "ties that bind" this country together have been snapped, one by one, over the course of my 59 years. I'm not exactly a radical, but I feel about 90% disconnected from Republicans now, and in my direct experience those feelings are very much mutual. When one half of the country literally lives in a different reality than the other half, and the severity of the disconnection grows greater with every passing year, and each half views the other increasingly as literal traitors to the nation, eventually something's gotta give. I know we're all supposed to emphasize our commonality as Americans, but what do we really have in common anymore? I don't think I can keep up this hollow pretense for four more years of Trumpism. Do you see any practical way - short of civil war - for blue parts of the country to dissasociate from the red parts? Are there any legitimate movements that you're aware of in this country that have the practical goal of achieving secession?
I felt this way after the 2016 and 2020 elections, but this most recent election (if you can call it that…) has made me come to realize that what we (“red” and “blue”) have in common is that we’ve been hoodwinked by our preferred party into believing they actually care about us and want to make anything better, or that they even have different goals from each other at all. I used to feel so much resentment towards my “red” leaning family, colleagues, former friends etc., and I do still feel anger and judgment towards them for their willingness to accept and support open bigotry. But these days I mostly just feel sad for anyone (including my very liberal family!) who continues to put their faith in any politician or institution.
I hear what you're saying, but don't completely agree. I don't really put "faith" in politicians or institutions, but I do work with governmental agencies and have had both good and bad experiences doing so. What I've found is that, in general, it's possible to get good outcomes in conflicts by learning the facts and presenting them clearly - and going to court, if necessary. What worries me is that most Republicans in the DJT era have decided that uniting behind Trump is more important than uniting behind the facts - like most of them now deny that Trump engaged in insurrection on 1/6/2020 and deny that climate change is real. I'm not saying that Dem politicians are perfect, but I do believe they try to develop useful policies - in the context of a diverse capitalistic society that pays a lot of deference to big money - incorporating the best available evidence. I don't generally believe that about Republicans.
Why do you think the American people don’t organize boycotts and hit the puppet masters where it hurts?
Hi Sara! First of all, that’s a fine photo of one of my favorite Louvin Brothers LPs. They were foundational to many artists I enjoy. My question is, how will Republicans avoid responsibility after Hegseth runs DoD into the ground?
Do you think Trump & his Oligarch supporters will crash the economy?
Yes, 100% That's the plan.
Great Depression 2.0 - but not because they plan to - because they don't care if they do.
I’ve seen the theme of “opposition” all over the place (including the new Substack “The Contrarian”) and wonder if it’s possible—or even worthwhile—to focus on creation. Yes we need to stand up to what’s coming in this administration, but are there opportunities to do good, to offer hope, to be a light in darkness? Those in the Civil Rights movement didn’t just fight oppression and bigotry; they also worked towards creating the future they desired. What might that look like for us?