“He was kind to me, and I always remembered that. I remember it every time I sign my own books for my own readers.”

I hope vacation provides you the same refreshing sentiment.

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Thank you!

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For a deeper understanding of Carr’s beautiful mind and heart, I recommend his recently published memoir, My Beloved Monster, Masha, the Half-Wild Rescue Cat Who Rescued Me. Even if you don’t like cats, this book delves into his life and philosophy in profound, poetic ways, a moving and intelligent memoir.

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Thanks -- I'm planning on reading it!

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Thank you thank you thank you for yet another look into your world !

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Thanks for reading!

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I read everything you write that I can get my hands on! Just preordered “Last Road Trip” and I’m counting the minutes, hours, months…..😎

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Thank you for reminding us of ‘the time before…’. How well you write!

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Thank you!

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Thank you. I read The Alienist and Angel of Darkness years ago, but didn't know about Killing Time, nor that he died.

Please take care of yourself. Your vision and courage are badly needed. Rebecca

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Thank you, I appreciate that

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"Grief requires space."

Yep, go get some! And enjoy the time away.

Carr was kind to you and kindness resonates in your writing. It's difficult to remember when cruelty abounds, but you remind your readers, and perhaps yourself, that it matters.

A wise woman once advised that if you can't be brave, be kind. ;-)

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Thank you. That wise woman is very tired and also very grateful folks keep reading ;)

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Thank you for being our guide through this darkness, Sarah. This was, as usual, riveting. I had no idea about Carr or this book. May your time off be rejuvenating and may you find exactly what you most need. Hugs from Canada.

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Thank you very much!

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Thank you! This was great and makes me want to read Carr. I hope you get some rest and peace and come home to do more great things work. As you travel, just remember, “A little bit of water goes a long way, ‘cause it’s hot.” 🙏✌️

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Thank you! I'm nervous about taking time off, but I need it. I'll have lots of interesting stuff to say when I return!

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As Studs Terkel used to say, “Take it easy but take it.” And as BOC cautioned, “It's said the West is nice this time of year, that's what they say.”

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Have a great time away Sarah and thank from reminding me I was not the only person being called a doomer 20 odd years ago 🙏🏻

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Haha — thanks! A doomer is just a person who’s right too early

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Carr is a very fascinating writer! If you liked him, so do I! Have a relaxing two weeks! Rest and come back refreshed! Don’t dare not come back!! 😁

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Sarah, you are the writer I aspire to be someday. 🙌🏼

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Awww thank you!

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You write so well!

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I was a kid in the 1960s,that shiny time when the past had been abolished,history was defunct,and we were ON THE BRINK aren't we always,of an endless future of peace,love and understanding,no more war,no more poverty,no more cruelty and ignorance. We had technology. We had science. We had household implements. We had agricultural machinery. We had no old style ideological constraints keeping us with in bounds and restraining humanitys ability and thought. We could think it,we could do it,and we certainly DID. This was the world my early years inhabited. Luckily I had older parents so 'the past' was very alive to me,and an alternative way of thinking. So when the Internet came on the scene wth all those golden promises I just knew "we have been here before". I use this stuff now but I came to it very late and I know how dangerous it's going to be once they fully implement THE PLAN. It was never for Entertainment and Convenience that's just how they got all humanity entangled. Thank you for recommending this book.

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Safe travels, Sarah. And once again thank you for your recognition of and willingness to describe where we are. Light breadcrumbs we can follow.

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What a world! The whole system is compromised or corrupt. I did see on Xitter today that Chomsky had died. I don’t know if it is true, but Who knows? Stay safe in your travels. I am going to celebrate the summer solstice and the full moon.

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Safe journey, Enjoy🤗

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