Dec 10, 2023Liked by Sarah Kendzior

I have the attention span of a toddler these days, but I read every word you write. You are my righteous rage idol ❤️

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Thank you!

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Sarah, our "Rage Angel" :-)

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Sarah Kendzior

In this time of chaos, madness, and uncertainty, you’re a constant. Your ability to put what you’re feeling, seeing, and thinking into words that can be understood and reflected on by all reads them is phenomenal. You’re one of the very best at what you do, and we’re all better for it. Thank you as always.

P.S. I’m on Day 771 of Duolingo French.

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This needs an edit option. *by all who reads ...

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Sarah, you make me think, and feel, and laugh. And I thank you.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Sarah Kendzior

It is a blessing to read what you write I’m always a little bit smarter ,thank you . I sincerely hope your children know how lucky they are to have you as their mother!

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Thank you!

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Sarah is a great writer! She is like our Anthony Bourdain for corruption and autocracy! But at least we are living in the golden times of corruption and autocracy.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Sarah Kendzior

I’m trying to be more positive.

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Keep up the good fight, Will. Sometimes it's a struggle.💙

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Sarah Kendzior

I love reading you. Even when you terrify me.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Your children are lucky to have you as their Mom and we are lucky to have you share your words and wisdom with us.

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My thoughts exactly.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Sarah Kendzior

This is your most beautiful yet.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Gracias, Sarah. You might be interested to know we have created a poetry/literary center based in an old Rockland, Maine house where Edna St.Vincent Millay was born. So far we've held poetry readings, big festivals, small gatherings, and we're ramping up a writer-in-residence program at the now-restored house, newly listed on the National Register of Historic Places. https://www.facebook.com/groups/millayhouse/ So many hauntingly powerful lines such as "I only know that summer sang in me

A little while, that in me sings no more." And "I shall die, but that is all that I shall do for Death; I am not on his pay-roll."

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Sarah, this is gorgeous and heartwrenching.

Do you know the singer Edna Vasquez? Her performance of "Sola soy" at a 2018 Low Bar Chorale show in Portland left me shaken. I was astonished to realize tears were streaming down my face even though I only have a tiny bit of Spanish. (Duolingo Welsh day 451.)

https://youtu.be/R6LQl2ALNq0?si=qaeh4Ug3iXjm1n9y (her performance of the same song with Pink Martini)

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Très cosas:

Uno: I am amazed by some of these Spanish phrases. I’m on a 917 day streak of French, and we’ve never once touched on being called over a bridge by our shadows.

Dos: The time you take to encourage and support your son’s curiosity and intellectual capacity is inspiring and touching. My parents never had the time or interest in anything of the sort, and I’m poorer for it. Brava!

Tres: Every single sentence you write resonates, but what gets me is your ability to express it not only concisely but with beauty. The poetry inside you prevails.

Thank you for these important dispatches. Little lights in the darkness. Deeply necessary, profoundly appreciated.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Damn, now I feel compelled to start my own Spanish Camp. I will not—will not!—be watching Breaking Bad. But, good on you, good parent, for making it an educational experience. If I were to decide, which I’m not, to have a tombstone, “I have a long hard record of vulnerable mistakes.”, would be perfect.

Thanks for brightening my day.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Thank you for your insight and honesty. (: You remind us to continue to grow, seek beauty and create in the midst of chaos.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Sarah Kendzior

This is brilliant, as always, and also inspiring: time to get back to languages.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Thank you, Sarah, as always, your writing is riveting and poetic in itself. I also read your interview with Kelly Hayes in her Substack. Also excellent. The children. I can’t stop thinking about them. I remember telling people early on that if Covid ends up harming our children (when they thought it was very mild for them), then everyone will be on board to mitigate the virus -- stat. Nope. That the fossil fuel oligarchs must at least care about climate change so their own children don’t languish in their bunkers while the world collapses. Or that care about earth in a fundamental way. No. Cop28 (also Cop29) and all leaders show they don’t care. At all. Or how to help people to adapt if it’s too late for climate mitigation as tipping points pass. And S Huckabee (and others) suggesting (poor) kids could be used as essential slave laborers, breaking child labor laws. You know, back in the day when the laws were made, when people cared about the kids -- all kids -- more. And as you say, govt moving to quash the voices of the young enlightened. I’m infuriated about our kids and grandkids and their futures. Love gone cold collectively in a frightening way. And that’s just the US.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Sarah Kendzior

Language learning helped me through a lot over the past few years (day 2056 in Duolingo now). Check out the Todai easy news apps if you haven't already!

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